React Testing Library Common Scenarios
How to write tests that are common to many applications using React Testing Library.
tl;dr – React Testing Library Examples
When I was first introduced to React Testing Library, my first reaction was "alright, yet another React framework" and I didn't pay much attention to it. The library quickly gained traction, but as I had been working with Enzyme for a while, I didn't bother.
With the introduction of React Hooks, testing with Enzyme became harder. To be frank, I never completely enjoyed Enzyme and paradoxically this was the main reason I relucted to switch libraries – I was too committed. Moreover, most of the test scenarios I use in my workdays were already developed and I needed to do little thinking when creating new tests.
Yet, every now and then I'd struggle writing some test, especially if it involved mocking API calls. Somehow the tests didn't feel right. Finally, I decided to give React Testing Library a shot and, well, as you might have imagined, I love it!
This article is a compilation of common test scenarios that you are likely to find when developing your application. For each scenario, I describe the problem and how you can write a test for it with Jest + React Testing Library.
Table of Contents
If you are reading this post as a reference, you can skip the next session. Else, let us understand what makes RTL better.
Why React Testing Library
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
The above sentence is the guiding principle of React Testing Library and in fact says a lot about it. With Enzyme, tests were always uncomfortably implementation-dependent. They were fragile to changes.
With RTL, when you render a component, you have the actual DOM element exposed to you. This makes your test way more predictable and reduces the learning curve (it boils down to good ol' JavaScript).
One can argue that all you can do with RTL is possible to be done with Enzyme. True. But in the end, RTL was designed to enforce good practices. That's why you render
and access elements through accessibility-compliant attributes (get via semantic attributes such as text, label and placeholder, instead of using meaningless class selectors).
Another pleasant difference is that tests are smaller, which is a good thing.
Enough with the prelude, let us take a look at our first scenario.
Scenario 1 - Controlled Component
Suppose that you need to create a button component that is meant to be shared across your app:
import React from 'react'
const Button = props => {
return <button onClick={props.onClick}>{props.text}</button>
export default Button
There are two things that you might want to assert:
- The button is rendered with the correct text;
- Whatever function passed as the
prop is called after click.
Here's how you can write a test to address the first point:
import React from 'react'
import Button from './Button'
import { render, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
const defaultProps = {
onClick: jest.fn(),
text: 'Submit',
test('button renders with correct text', () => {
const { queryByText } = render(<Button {...defaultProps} />)
Notice that render
returns functions that allow you to select and manipulate DOM elements. In our case, we are using queryByText, which (surprise!) allows you to query nodes by their text. It will return null
if no nodes satisfy the query and throw an error if more than one is found (when you might consider using queryAllBy).
So our test was able to assert that there is a DOM node whose text is Submit. And if we want to make sure that it works for other prop values too?
test('button renders with correct text', () => {
const { queryByText, rerender } = render(<Button {...defaultProps} />)
// Change props
rerender(<Button {...defaultProps} text="Go" />)
The rerender
function allows you to manually trigger a rerender, this time with a different prop. Our first test is done!
Now let's check how we can guarantee that by clicking on the button we call the onClick
import React from 'react';
import Button from './Button';
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react';
test('calls correct function on click', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
const { getByText } = render(
<Button {...defaultProps} onClick={onClick} />
Here we are creating a simple Jest mock function and passing it as the onClick
prop to the Button
component. We then use getByText to select the button this time (getByText
will throw an error if 0 or more than one element matches the query).
With the node selected, we then call
, which is the declarative way of RTL firing events. All we need to do next is to confirm that our mock function was indeed called.
And our first basic scenario is complete. The complete test is in GitHub.
Scenario 2 - Input Change
Another very common use case is an input change that modifies the UI. Consider a text field for the user's name and a greeting that changes with the input:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
function ChangeInput() {
const [name, setName] = useState('')
return (
<span data-testid="change-input-greeting">
Welcome, {name === '' ? 'Anonymous User' : name}!
<br />
placeholder="Your name"
onChange={e => setName(}
export default ChangeInput
Notice that we are using React Hooks to manage the state. However, internal implementations shouldn't matter at all. Here's how the test would look like:
import React from 'react'
import ChangeInput from './ChangeInput'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
test('displays the correct greeting', () => {
const { getByLabelText, getByTestId } = render(<ChangeInput />)
const input = getByLabelText('user-name')
const greeting = getByTestId('change-input-greeting')
expect(greeting.textContent).toBe('Welcome, Anonymous User!')
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: 'Rafael' } })
expect(greeting.textContent).toBe('Welcome, Rafael!')
Pretty straightforward, we select the input via the aria-label
attribute (a good example of the library enforcing accessibility good practices) and also check that both the greeting and the input have the correct initial value. Then, we call fireEvent.change
to trigger a change event, making sure we pass the correct event object with the new input.
Finally, we need to assert that the input has the correct value and the right greeting is being displayed. And there are two of my favorite things with RTL stands:
- We access values and attributes as we would with regular DOM nodes. So getting an element's text is as easy as accessing
. - Nodes are passed as reference, so if you assign them to a variable before a change, you can use the same variable to later check if any of its attributes have changed. This is a huge plus over Enzyme, where I found myself many times dealing with bugs where I assumed a change would be there but I needed to select the element again. Notice how the same
variable has differenttextContent
values based on the event triggered.
Scenario 3 - Focused Element
Accessible applications need to keep track of the focused element. For example, suppose you want to make sure that after clicking on a button, the focus goes to a given input.
import React, { useRef } from 'react'
const FocusInput = () => {
const inputRef = useRef(null)
return (
placeholder="Focus me!"
<button onClick={() => inputRef.current.focus()}>Click to Focus</button>
export default FocusInput
The useRef
hook stores the input's reference. You can find more about refs in The Complete Guide to React Refs.
Let's write a test to assert that the input receives focus after click:
import React from 'react'
import FocusInput from './FocusInput'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
test('clicking on button trigger focus on input', () => {
const { getByPlaceholderText, getByText } = render(<FocusInput />)'Click to Focus'))
const input = getByPlaceholderText('Focus me!')
This time we introduce getByPlaceholderText
, which can be handy in some situations (however, a placeholder is not a substitute for a label.
The experience of testing focused elements is, in my opinion, very superior to Enzyme's. In particular, I love how idiomatic expect(input).toBe(document.activeElement)
Let me introduce how you can do snapshot testing with React Testing Library:
test('FocusInput matches snapshot', () => {
const { container } = render(<FocusInput />)
Notice that render
returns a container
element. By default, every component is rendered into a div
. That's why we access the element via container.firstChild
. There are some occasions when you don't want to render into a div
, e.g. when your component renders a tr
and therefore the container needs to be a table
element. You can check the render API for more information.
Scenario 4 - Effects
We have already covered useState
and useRef
. Next, let us combine them with useEffect
. Consider a component where the user can increment a counter and mark a checkbox in order to display the count in the document's title.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import Button from './Button'
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false)
const initialTitleRef = useRef(document.title)
useEffect(() => {
document.title = checked
? `Total number of clicks: ${count}`
: initialTitleRef.current
}, [checked, count])
return (
<span data-testid="count">
Clicked {count} time{count === 1 ? '' : 's'}
<br />
<Button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)} text="Increment" />
onChange={e => setChecked(}
<label htmlFor="checkbox-title">
Check to display count in document title
export default Counter
First, let us make sure that the counter works as expected:
import React from 'react'
import Counter from './Counter'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
test('count starts with 0', () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<Counter />)
expect(getByTestId('count').textContent).toBe('Clicked 0 times')
test('clicking on button increments counter', () => {
const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(<Counter />)'Increment'))
expect(getByTestId('count').textContent).toBe('Clicked 1 time')'Increment'))
expect(getByTestId('count').textContent).toBe('Clicked 2 times')
Nothing really new so far. Time to test the effect:
test('window title changes after every increment if checkbox is checked', () => {
global.window.document.title = "My Awesome App";
const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(<Counter />);
// When checkbox is unchecked, incrementing has no effect"Increment"));
expect(global.window.document.title).toBe("My Awesome App");
// Check and assert the document title changes
const checkbox = getByLabelText("Check to display count in document title");;
expect(global.window.document.title).toBe("Total number of clicks: 1");
// Works if you increment multiple times"Increment"));
expect(global.window.document.title).toBe("Total number of clicks: 2");
// Unchecking will return to the original document title;
expect(global.window.document.title).toBe("My Awesome App");
The test should be straightforward to follow. Some remarks:
- We start by defining
in theglobal.window
object. Notice that we initialize it once and then the effect is responsible for further changes; - Even though the checkbox has an
event handler, we need to fire aclick
event; - Differently from the
example in Scenario 2, we now use alabel
element to select the input.
This example is heavy on Hooks. If you want to learn more about them, make sure to check How to Reuse Logic with React Hooks.
Scenario 5 - setTimeout
All of our examples so far were synchronous, meaning that we didn't need to wait for anything before checking the result of an operation. From now on, the examples will include async code. Async code is mostly found in timeouts, intervals and API calls.
Let us start with a simple application that should display a message 5 seconds after a button is clicked:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import useTimeout from 'use-timeout'
const TimeoutMessage = () => {
const [message, setMessage] = useState('This will timeout in 5 seconds')
useTimeout(() => setMessage('Timeout!'), 5000)
return <div data-testid="timeout-message">{message}</div>
export default TimeoutMessage
First thing we will do is confirm that TimeoutMessage
has the expected behavior. It initially displays a message that is changed upon timeout:
import React from 'react'
import TimeoutMessage from './TimeoutMessage'
import { render, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
test('renders with default text', () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<TimeoutMessage />)
'This will timeout in 5 seconds'
test('text changes after timeout', () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<TimeoutMessage />)
The key here is to use Jest timer mocks. We declare jest.useFakeTimers()
at the top of the test file and then call jest.runAllTimers()
in order to run the timeout.
Now, let us integrate TimeoutMessage
into our main Timeout
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import TimeoutMessage from './TimeoutMessage'
const Timeout = () => {
const [hasClicked, setHasClicked] = useState(false)
return (
<button disabled={hasClicked} onClick={() => setHasClicked(true)}>
Click to trigger timeout
{hasClicked && <TimeoutMessage />}
export default Timeout
For some extra fun, we also want the button to be disabled once the user has clicked. Now, we have two ways to proceed with the test:
returns a div withdata-testid="timeout-message"
. We can create a test that will check that an element with thisdata-testid
is present in the DOM after click. That would be enough to assure that we are renderingTimeoutMessage
, however, we wouldn't have the whole feature (click + timeout message) integrated.- We can assert that the correct messages are being displayed after click and timeout. In the end, that's what matters. Consider also that
could be more generic, e.g. accepting two propsinitialMessage
, and then it would make sense to check that the right text is displayed.
Here's the integration test:
import React from 'react'
import Timeout from './Timeout'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'
test('clicking on button displays timeout message', () => {
const { getByText, queryByTestId, getByTestId } = render(<Timeout />)
const button = getByText('Click to trigger timeout')
'This will timeout in 5 seconds'
has no knowledge of TimeoutMessage
, yet we have asserted that the whole app is integrated.
Finally, we need to confirm that the button is disabled after click:
test('clicking on button makes it disabled', () => {
const { getByText } = render(<Timeout />);
const button = getByText("Click to trigger timeout");
Again, as button
is a regular DOM element, we can access its disabled
attribute just fine. Pretty neat!
Scenario 6 - Fetch
A very common use case is to assert changes in the UI after data is fetched from an API. This is what we are going to do now. Our next application will fetch a Chuck Norris joke after click and display it to the user. Here's the Fetch
import React from 'react'
import useAPI from './useAPI'
const Fetch = () => {
const [response, callAPI] = useAPI()
return (
onClick={() => callAPI('')}
Get a Chuck Norris joke
{response.loading && <div data-testid="fetch-loading">Loading...</div>}
{response.error && <div data-testid="fetch-error">{response.error}</div>}
{response.success && (
<div data-testid="fetch-joke">{}</div>
export default Fetch
I've used a custom hook called useAPI
that returns the response from the server and a function to invoke the API. The implementation of useAPI
is out of the scope of this article, but you shouldn't have any trouble to follow along with the source code.
Let's get to the tests. First thing we want to do is assert that no jokes are displayed when the component renders:
import React from 'react'
import Fetch from './Fetch'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup, wait } from '@testing-library/react'
test('starts without any joke', () => {
const { queryByTestId } = render(<Fetch />)
Recall that we use queyByTestId
when we want to assert that an element is not present (getByTestId
would throw an error).
Next, let's write a test to confirm a loading message is displayed after click:
test('after clicking on button, displays loading message', () => {
const { getByTestId, getByText } = render(<Fetch />);"Get a Chuck Norris joke"));
So far so good. But how do we assert the async response?
The answer is the wait function that comes with RTL. wait
allows you to halt the test until the relevant element is visible in the DOM:
test('after clicking on button, displays joke if API succeeds', async () => {
const joke = "Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.";
// Mock API
jest.spyOn(global, 'fetch')
.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({
status: 200,
json: () => Promise.resolve({
value: joke
const { getByTestId, getByText } = render(<Fetch />);"Get a Chuck Norris joke"));
await wait(() => getByTestId("fetch-joke"));
// Clear mock
- jest.spyOn mocks the global
function. I strongly recommend that you read the docs to get a better sense of how the spy works. - mockImplementation defines which function the spy will invoke. Once
returns a Promise that later will be converted tojson
, we mock the two functions. Also notice that thestatus
is 200 so ouruseAPI
hook doesn't throw an error. await wait(() => getByTestId("fetch-joke"))
basically waits for the element withdata-testid="fetch-joke"
to become visible in the DOM. This is our async mark.- Now that we have waited for the Promises to resolve and the DOM element to become visible, the next step is as simple as checking that the joke is where it was supposed to be.
- Lastly, we assert that we indeed called the right API.
return an array of calls, each of them composed of an array of args. Somock.calls[0][0]
is the first arg of the first call,mock.calls[0][1]
is the second arg of the first call and so on.
As of now we are able to test the majority of the use cases you will find when developing React applications. But there is one last scenario that I would like to mention.
Scenario 7 - Multiple API calls
What if you trigger a second API call as a result of the first API call? This is what we are going to see now.
Consider an application that fetches a blog post and, once the post is retrieved, fetches all comments related to the post:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import useAPI from './useAPI'
const MultipleFetches = () => {
const [postResponse, callPostAPI] = useAPI()
const [commentsResponse, callCommentsAPI] = useAPI()
useEffect(() => {
if (postResponse.success) {
}, [postResponse.success, callCommentsAPI])
return (
onClick={() =>
Fetch post and comments
{postResponse.loading && (
<div data-testid="fetch-loading-post">Loading post...</div>
{postResponse.error && (
<div data-testid="fetch-error-post">{postResponse.error}</div>
{postResponse.success && (
<div data-testid="fetch-post">{}</div>
{!postResponse.loading && (
{commentsResponse.loading && (
<div data-testid="fetch-loading-comments">Loading comments...</div>
{commentsResponse.error && (
<div data-testid="fetch-error-comments">
{commentsResponse.success && (
{, 10).map(comment => (
<li key={} data-testid="comment-author">
{postResponse.success && commentsResponse.success && (
<div data-testid="multiple-fetch-success">All fetched!</div>
export default MultipleFetches
We now use a combination of useAPI and useEffect
. Once the first call succeeds, the second API is called. What's the difference from the single fetch example?
import React from 'react'
import MultipleFetches from './MultipleFetches'
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup, wait } from '@testing-library/react'
describe('API tests', () => {
// Group API tests so we can clear the mock more easily
afterEach(() => global.fetch.mockClear())
test('displays post if API succeeds', async () => {
// Mock API
.spyOn(global, 'fetch')
.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
status: 200,
json: () =>
title: 'How to Become a Bad Developer',
.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
status: 200,
json: () =>
{ id: 1, name: 'Rafael' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Andressa' },
const { getByTestId, getByText, getAllByTestId } = render(
<MultipleFetches />
)'Fetch post and comments'))
await wait()
'How to Become a Bad Developer'
expect(getByText('All fetched!')).toBeTruthy()
const authors = getAllByTestId('comment-author')
First, we are now using jest.mockImplementationOnce as we need more control over the fetches (each call should have a different response).
Plus, we use await wait()
, with no function as argument. The result of doing that is waiting for the next tick in Node event loop. Without going into many details, what it does is to wait until the next async operation is performed.
Once we have awaited the resolution of both calls, the next is easy: just assert that every call was called with the correct API and that the data is being displayed in the DOM.
The full test file including the failure scenarios is available in GitHub.
Wrapping Up
I hope this article helps you when creating tests with Jest and React Testing Library. Don't forget that you can consult React Testing Library Examples as a shorter reference when convenient.