About this site
This blog is a dedicated space to technology and web development. Here, I write about technologies that I'm using, apps that I'm developing, bugs that I have (or have not) solved, and tricks that are worth sharing.
As I create apps for the web since 2012, expect to find a lot about JavaScript, React, Gatsby, UI, UX, accessibility, HTML, CSS and web development in general. I also talk about serverless, NodeJS, puppeteer, web automation, tests and databases. If it goes to the web or is written in JavaScript, it can be here!
In 2015 I co-founded Elevential, a consulting IT company. Because of my experience since then, besides the technical content, expect articles about business in general, entrepreneurship and teams and projects management.
You will also find posts in English and Portuguese. Due to the bigger reach, posts that are more complete or "advanced" (assuming previous knowledge from the reader) will be mostly in English. In Portuguese, I will write basic content yet help spread out knowledge about web development for those who don't have a full domain of English.
Consider following me on Twitter. Furthermore, I'll regularly post tips and previews of articles under development. Post suggestions? Questions about a specific article? Alternative solutions? Mistakes in the code? Just ping me on @webquintanilha.
Now you know what you are doing here, go read something more useful.
On the rare occasion you are wondering what my setup is, here it goes:
- OS: Ubuntu (Windows for basic navigation).
- Main Computer: Dell G7 Series 7588. Very fast, but heavy as hell.
- Auxiliary Computer: Samsung Galaxy Book2 360. Lightweight, but heats a lot.
- Text Editor: VSCode.
- Communication: Slack / Zoom.
- Prototyping: Invision / Figma.
- Website: Ghost(Pro).
I am also the creator and editor of QuantBrasil, a platform for quantitative analysis research. Drop by if you are interested in Python, pandas and DataScience in general.